Sunday, April 16, 2006

apa khabar semua? haha.. i promise to blog so that you guys know that i'm still alive and kickin'. =)

anyway, it is REALLY cold here... i get negative 5 celsius at night! and it seems that soon enough, the maxumum for the day would be 4 deg celsius. brr...cold. it's worse when it rains.. but actually i miss rain! it seldom rains here.. i miss the sound of rainfall... also because it makes the air less dry/more moist - the weather is normally very dry..don't want to end up having my skin all come off.
i'm having easter break now, going to melbourne tomorrow for some fun! we have 2 weeks easter break over huh?? other states usualy only have one week of break. next time i shall post pics here. or anyone interested can visit my photo/recipe blog . just dont browse through it on an empty stomach... you are bound to feel hungry!
wanxin... why you didn't apply to anu??? ahhh.... so sad... no more daily digest of one-sin jokes anymore. meisheng... how's prep for uni going? still going overseas? yingting? yinhow? how's everyone else? ohhh... does jiavoon know the existence of this blog? we should invite him.. he'll surely contribute i think.

how's hwachong lately i wonder? and also hcibs.. the food any better, jennifer? how's lau? getting along well with the juniors? i think i met a hwachong asean cum councillor senior here in anu.. she just graduated from the same course as i am doing now.. soo cool right? meeting seniors or other hwachongians... we can just click with each other and there's soo much to talk about esp reminiscing college days. haha

that's about all for now folks. till next time!


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