Monday, March 27, 2006

Yeah I am back!

Hehe.. Finally blogger decided to let me off. I could sign in again without the stupid signal telling me that my browser doesn't accept all cookies or is javascript-disabled.
Quite happy that there are people responding to this blog. At least you guys still care! And I managed to get connected with our great.. grand senior Hung Ying! Somehow all my messages sent to her previously were not delivered to her phone. I hate Starhub. But well, she sent me an email after I made the announcement on the seniors' hc asean group! Hysteria... And well, even Kane tagged! Haha... I always thought he doesn't really care about HC ASEAN. Oops. Paiseh.
I am wondering if those people who have blogs mind us putting their blog addresses on the link part. Tag your blog address if you don't mind ok? It will increase your blog viewership neh.. Hehe.
To Daniel, please don't call them mistakes. It hurts. Call them imperfections can? hehe. For my heart is vulnerable.
Announcement: We are planning on a trip to go Genting! Woohoo! It'll be on 31st March till 1st April (We will be spending two 1st there! :p). interested people please contact us.
Ok, enough from me. I am ~wanxin~.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

hey all. the name of this site still sounds a lil' awkward to me but i guess i'll get used to it =) i'm having a great time here in canberra... easter break soon so might do a tad bit of travelling to melbourne =) any recommendations please let me know

with regards to this site.. wan xin, is there any possible way you can change my status such that i can edit the template too? quite a few mistakes here and there... more can be done to show what WE hc asean can do! =p

cheers all

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yo ppl!

Hey all! First I even wonder how many ppl actually know about this blog already. Better not be just me. Wan Xin, good to see the blog "renovated"! Everyone please post actively! HC ASEAN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!



After a long hibernation, I have decided to wake up and tidy up this site again. Before everyone forgets about this thing called HC Asean. Renamed it as Passean. Read the explanation on the left. Winks.
I finally got this blog a tag! Wahaha! Actually I pasted the tag template here once i set up this blog, but somehow it was invisible. So I tried chatterbox instead. And it works! Winks.
Ok. Now you all can tell me how to invite you people to write here already. By tagging the instructions. Winks.
And, please spread the name of this site to all other HC Asean. Regardless of batches. Winks.