Friday, January 26, 2007

an afternoon with friends

alright guys and gals, i know this place is collecting quite a bit of online dust but hey, here's finally something that's worthy of mention!

it was a meeting of people who "live with passion" and "lead with compassion". Nicholas, Jennifer, Christina, Kohila (Christina's friend) & I met up today for a supposedly short lunch session which turned out to be non-stop chatting from 12noon-6pm, dessert at Baskin 31 Robins included. i'm really glad to be able to meet up with the juniors today.. so to all of you studying in singapore/uk/us when are you guys coming back to malaysia?!?! we need a gathering too! haha.

one interesting question that we discussed today was "which part of hwachong do you like best?". there were two parts to this question though, one's referring to the 'physical' side of hwachong, the other is your most memorable experience during your stay in hwachong.

as for myself, my favourite would be the central plaza, at night that is. i think our college looks really beautiful when lighted up at night, not like those massive light-ups during MAF but the simple, minimum yellow lights that keeps the place alive during a normal evening in school. when i sit near the squash courts at midnight ( during council stayovers), i get a really magnificent panoramic view of the college plus i get this really peaceful ambience as an icing for the already serene night.

now, if it was the most memorable 'moment in HC, it's definitely the sounding of the gong during MAF '04 to kick-off the Grand Light-Up display - it was really a sign to me that MAF programme was carried out successfully, and the celebrations just starting with the college mass dance and song sessions.

But ask me about my most memorable 'experience' in HC, it will definitely be the time spent together with the HC Asean "farmelee" =) Really.. the honours goes to you guys. I especially miss the times we practised together for our Asean Night performance in 2004, and also the times we had dinner together in the dining hall after a long day in college. not forgetting also the BBQ sessions at Mrs Ooi's place.

Miss you all loads. Good luck everyone!

to jennifer: good luck with medic interviews
to christina: hopefully we can meet up again in australia! xD



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